Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What a day...already.

Woke up this morning, routine started out as usual. Just as I was finishing up getting ready for work and getting ready to wake Creighton up, he came flying into the bathroom saying "Mom, you have to see my bed, hurry!" I went into his room to find everything covered in puke. His bed, blankets, pillows, and of course, his carpet which is all of about 3 weeks old, ugh....

This quickly threw me into organizational mode. Alot of things have to fall into place very quickly when the routine gets disrupted with a sickie especially when it happens only five minutes before time to go. Ok - I have to call work, the babysitter, blah, blah, blah....

Greg was just getting home from working 3rd shift last night. His plan was to sleep for 2 hours and then accompany Colby on her field trip to Davenport for a Swing Baseball game. But, he had to stay with Creighton while I ran Colby into town to school. So, he stayed home with Creighton, I ran Colby to school and as soon as I got home, Greg had to leave for the game (with NO sleep). Pray for his safety as he returns this afternoon with no sleep at all in the last 24 hours!

Colby has her reading program and I also have a meeting tonight. Not sure how this will all play out this afternoon. I guess we will see.

I absolutely HATE it when I can't be at work. I feel so guilty and like I am letting my co-workers down. I feel like the weak link. But, my very understanding boss reassured me that the place will still run and that the most important place I could be today is at home with my sick child. He's right, but it is still hard to not wonder how things are going there. Especially at this very hectic time of year.

Thanks for the prayers for my ear, jaw stuff. It is feeling better today and I actually got some sleep last night. God knew I needed rest for what was in store for me today.

Well, back to laundry and carpet cleaning......Pray that this is a short lived bug and that Colby stays healthy!

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