Monday, October 22, 2007


So, I showed up at work today sporting a lovely softball size swollen ankle. Two of my co-workers insisted that I needed to see a dr. so I went. The bones are not broken, the tendons and ligiments are (explains the two loud pops as I went down). Which means if it doesn't heal they will have to surgically repair it. Not gonna happen, it just doesn't fit my schedule right now :)

But, for now, she suggested:
1--Ice (I can't do that-I have to work people!)
2--elevation (I don't think I should put my foot up on my desk)
3--a narcotic pain reliever (no thank you, I don't take medicine)(clarification: I don't take medicine that makes me feel goofy--Ibuprofin is about as far as it goes!)
4--crutches (nope, not gonna happen, that might slow me down)
5--a compression wrap to get the swelling down (ok, that's easy enough)
6--an aircast to immobilize it (ok, I can handle that)

Unfortunately, this would have been a much easier healing process had it just been broken. A cast for about 6 weeks and I would have been good as new. Sounds like this will be a long recovery. In three weeks, depending on my pain level, they want to do an MRI to see if I need surgury or not. Preferably, the latter, thank you...

A pain yes, life-threatening or life-altering, no. I am thankful for my health and a hurt ankle is nothing in the big picture....


Anonymous said...

Oh no! You poor thing. Get that foot up!

Anonymous said...

i don't think there is anything wrong with putting your foot up on your desk! AND you need to take ib prophen. period.
take care!!