So the weekend is coming to a close. I am 'somewhat' prepared for the upcoming week. It will prove to be a hectic one with some crazy scheduling going on.
It's been an emotionally up and down weekend. Friday was just a day I won't ever forget with many ups and downs. And then the excitement learning of Greg's promotion. Today was a good day of working around here with a little relaxing (not much) too.
This morning I attempted to share the story of what happened on Friday with my small group. (They don't blog much--so they hadn't heard:). During prayer requests I said I had two big praises--one being Greg's job and then I fell silent. I couldn't even share it. It just brought tears to my eyes and I couldn't say it. I just wanted to say how thankful I am that God takes care of all the details in every little facet of our lives.
After the initial shock wore off and I really thought about what happened Friday morning the more I am in awe of how big our God really is. He had that specific moment in time worked out so perfectly that He kept my children and husband protected a mere 20 ft. from a deadly lightning bolt. And our horse was strategically standing so that the metal fence absorbed most of the shock and he miraculously lived. How awesome is that??
The thought that I could have lost them all at that very second still has not left my mind. I hugged them all a little tighter and told them I loved them a little more often all weekend.
Sometimes I just credit God with the 'big stuff'. And I just go to Him with the 'big stuff'. And I thank him for answers to prayers for the 'big stuff'. Sometimes I find myself praying for only the big things and wanting to control the little details myself. How thankful I am that God is in complete control of even the littlest, tiniest details and that I don't have to be. What a great reminder that I just need to trust.
Just so, so, so thankful for the opportunity to serve such a mighty, awesome and powerful God.
Going into this week with a positive attitude and a very thankful heart.