Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So last night I watched the news and they were talking some warm temps for the week. I decided to turn on our A/C for the first time this year to try to stay ahead of the upcoming hot days. Yeah, it doesn't work. It was just installed last JULY! (when we turned on the air for the first time last year. and our old unit didn't work--I see a trend here:) Good thing is that it should still be under warranty and is probably something simple. Although we may have to pay for a trip for someone to come out here. The quickest route right now is 25 miles (from our house to the bypass). Our quick 10 mile trip is now 25 and it could be months before hwy 22 is fixed. I have been going back and forth this week and not staying in town. I guess if it is going to be awhile I am just going to have to suck it up and buy lots of gas. Pretty tough when you have a house for sale and no one can get to it--this is not good. I was REALLY wanting to move sometime in July or EARLY August. I guess it could still happen, but not likely.

Better get the laundry folded and hit the hay...in my extra warm bedroom :)

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