Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Forget the Repairperson...

So, I decided to do a little investigating on the A/C situation myself tonight. Greg and the kids are sleeping. First of all, I know that there is air coming out of the registers. It's just not cold and it's staying on all of the time, not kicking on or off. So, I assume that is just the fan running. I go outside and see if the A/C unit is running. Nope, it's not. So, I head to the basement and take a peek in the electrical panel. Yep, one tripped breaker. #1 and it's labeled A/C. Flip the breaker to on. A/C kicks on, cold air flows. I am pretty handy if I must say so myself :) One service call avoided and a cool house tomorrow. YIPPEE!

1 comment:

Andrea Schmidt said...

I'm so glad you could fix the ac yourself! Way to go!
I also just wanted you to know that I've been thinking of you and praying for you all! Have a great day!