You have heard me rave about it. You have been to my house and wondered what on earth smells sooo awesome. You have came to me to find out how to get your own. You too are fearful and tired of flaming candles. You love Scentsy as much as I do.
And now, I am selling it. Honestly, I have never sold a thing in my life. I am not a 'salesperson'. But, I love this stuff and I want to share it with everyone I know. See my previous post here about Scentsy.
My sister-in-law introduced me to it. And she has been so supportive of my decision to jump into this with both feet, ready to hit the ground running. We are in this together in a combined effort to share a great product with all of our friends and family.
If you would like to check it out or are interested in hosting a Scentsy event let me know. You will love it, promise.....
ha ha ha ha hahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahah I KNEW that would happen!!! :) My sister in law became a scentsy girl too! Right after I bought it too! She lives in Cedar Rapids though. Anyway, I have sugar burning as I type, Yum!! I've been gone for a week and catching up on your blog. I just had to say it!!! HA HA So happy about your decision.....wish you much success. I love
I was wondering how you liked it! I knew you left town shortly after it arrived so I didn't know if you had tried yet. You HAVE to get a big warmer. The scent throw is amazing! I love my plug-ins in the bathrooms and the big one on my main floor. It is so fun to try all the scents! I tried Sweet Pea and Vanilla tonight and I love it. The nice thing is tomorrow we have a showing at 5:45pm so I can turn my pots on before I leave in the a.m. and my house will smell amazing for the showing! Yeah! Now, if we could just get it SOLD!
And, yes, you win. You called it.... :)
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