Never would I have dreamed that Creighton (at age 3) and I would be fighting over computer time. However, he is a computer hog! He won't share with me and if I do sneak in while he is busy with something else, he immediately comes over and barges in. I have found him perusing my emails, looking through my digital photo albums, playing video clips and even typing in one of my documents from work! UGH! Yesterday, when I peeked over his shoulder, he had a picture of himself on the screen and had done some "editing" to it and the computer was asking "do you want to save these changes?" He knows how to get on the internet and pull up his favorite websites (Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder and Build A Bear) . I often wonder how he does it when the kid can't even READ?! Once he is on those sites he can get to the games and activities and when he gets on a site that asks "what country are you from?" he always knows to click on the American flag. He has mastered every level of every game that he plays on his favorite sites and is always excited to see when they add new things.
So today I am wondering at what point we will need to become a "two computer family". I certainly didn't think this soon....
He looks engrossed. Scary, isn't it! Did you put that border on through Picasa?
We had the same problem...became two computer family just so the kids would quit fighting...didn't solve our problem of never being able to get on though...Guess we will have to invest in laptop someday but for mom and dad's use only! ~Tangie
Cassie - the border is through kodakgallery.com - that is the website I use for online storage instead of snapfish or shutterfly or whatever else there is. I don't care for their editing features, but I do like the borders.
Tangie - I am assuming that computers are like phones, once the kids get old enough, we will each need one of our OWN! Right now I still have the luxury of getting the computer to myself after the kids go to bed. I'm sure that in a couple of years, that won't be an option anymore either. Why can't my babies just stay babies forever???
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