Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hurry, before the little one gets away!

I just had to put this picture up. It is one of a kind - the only one with all five of the Viner grandkids together. (The date says 1-1-04, but it was really 1-1-06. I changed my camera batteries and it messed up the date.)

I had exactly two seconds to get it taken before Miss Maddison escaped!

No story tonight, just this......5 cousins, 5 blondies and 5 AWESOME kids. Love you all!!!!

(Damon - I had a hard time getting you to get in this picture too. Little did you know it would end up on the web!!!) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination or are my grandchildren the most precious in the world?

Heather said...

What did you expect? Look at their parents!!!! HA HA HA!