Friday, February 03, 2006


OK - Creighton has an underwear fettish. He is choosy about which pair he is going to wear each day, and he is very specific about which character he NEEDS. I even broke down and bought multiple pairs of each kind he has in order to avoid having to say, "sorry, those are in the laundry". I am not sure what the determining factor is when he is making this life changing decision each day. But, how many times in one day can a child change his underwear? This morning he insisted on changing his underwear twice (in one hour!) before he went to daycare. For some reason Thomas the Train wasn't good for today, but instead he would rather wear Spiderman. Oh well, this too shall pass (I hope), but in the meantime, I'll just keep making sure that the underwear drawer is fully stocked!


Cassie said...

Brigg has very similar issues. Must be a phase. We can only hope. Or one day they are going to drive their wives insane!!

Heather said...

Isn't that what husbands do best????

jody said...

OK--girls--this is getting a bit crazy :-). Don't we have other things to do?
Oh well.

Cassie said...

hee heee heee, not me!