Every once in awhile I find myself exhausted. Sometimes mentally, sometimes physically and tonight it is BOTH. It has been a busy week and I just hit the wall. I didn't even realize how tired I was until I got everyone tucked into bed and headed downstairs to do some of my nightly duties. I made it to the computer and that is as far as I got. I am attempting to muster up the energy to get bags packed, clothes laid out for tomorrow, etc. I keep looking at the clock and saying to myself "it's only 9:15pm, I can't possibly go to bed yet!" But guess what, I don't care what the clock says because "stick a fork in me, I am DONE". Good night.
i hope it is a refreshing week-end!
I am refreshed already--a good night's sleep last night, it's Friday, the house is clean, not much laundry to do, and my 24 dinners will be done on Tuesday :) Pretty good outlook for the weekend! See you Sunday...
it's friday...it's friday...it's friday! how can you not be refreshed!
Yeah Cassie- now DON'T overload your weekend. That is a key in balancing. Keep your commitments and expectations low--it will be good, I promise :)
low expectations? what is THAT?
yeah, and cassie is not quite sure what commitments are either...
you've got a lot to learn, girl :)
ok...enough is enough. i kept my expectations low...just not low enough. i've spent the morning cleaning up the bathroom after it overflowed....and it was NOT clean toilet water. nowhere NEAR clean. i was on the verge of puking when i went down to the basement to start my week's worth of laundry only to find that my husband had switched the laundry over last friday and put towels in the washer. they were still there. yes, a full week in the washer. i could have screamed! but as of now things are beginning ot look up. i have a very clean bathroom after an hour of cleaning on my hands and knees and it motivated me to scrub the kitchen as well. thanks for all the advice. ha!
OK - Cassie, another hint. DON"T save all of your laundry for the weekend--it's stressful. Try to do one load a day either when you are home for lunch or after the kids go to bed. That way when the weekend comes you don't have that task haunting you. I just finished my last load then I will do one on Sunday night and be ready to start the week. Enjoy your clean bathroom and kitchen. (by the way--housecleaners are a Godsend and it is relatively cheap--a must for working mothers!)
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