Sunday, February 25, 2007

Still waiting....

So last night me and the kids stayed at my brother Dave's house. We are very thankful for their very gracious hospitality. I feel like a homeless transient hopping from house to house with whoever agrees to take us in at the moment. Our power went out at about 1:30pm on Saturday afternoon and I finally got through to the power company Sunday morning. They said to expect that our power will be out for SEVERAL more DAYS! Ugh! Greg braved the house last night with no power, no heat and no water. It was about 50 degrees in the house this morning. Thankfully, my mom and dad are leaving for Mexico in about 12 hours so we'll be packing up some things and moving into their house. Glad we don't have to disrupt anyone else's household. The worst part of the deal is that we have a freezer full of several hundred pounds of beef. Pray that it keeps until the power comes back on! I should be counting my blessings though. There are millions of people throughout the world that live their lives without power. I am thankful that mine will be back on in just a few short days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no fun!!! I'll pray that they get it back up in less time then they think!