Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ladybug Season in the County

The ladybugs (I know, Japenese Beatles, but they are still ladybugs to me) are out in full force around here. I have decided that I am tired of chasing my tail trying to keep them swept up. So if you show up at my house you will find lots of ladybugs in every windowsill and multitudes of them in the bathroom upstairs. I admit defeat. They will get cleaned up when they are done coming in. June???


Anonymous said...

just so you know, the house that I cleaned yesterday was infested with them. I would vac. up a 1000 and turn around to see 100 more. It's amazing how they multiply! Yeah, me again LOL

Heather said...

glad it's not just my house :) i'll give you a call soon--we are still trying to get Creighton healthy.