Tuesday, October 04, 2011

And in other news......

After SIXTEEN years of walking through the doors of City Hall and into the Parks and Recreation Department and spending most of my waking hours on the job....I have resigned! My last day will be next Friday. And I will begin my new job with Kent Nutrition Group on Monday, October 17th.

Sixteen years.....that is a LONG time. The year was 1995, I was 23 years old, engaged, no children, just out of college, living in a town of 200 (Dunkerton, Iowa), working for the City of Cedar Falls Recreation Division, when I was hired as Program Supervisor in Muscatine. I headed back to what I have always called home. Five years later I took on a different role in the Department (Office Coordinator) where I still am today.

I am ready for change. I am ready to move on. I am ready for a new and different challenge. I am ready to work with a new team. I am ready....I am READY. My heart told me so.


Cassie said...


dan said...

Fantastic Heather. Hope you like it there and they appreciate your ability. Good luck in the new challenge. dan