Creighton skipped his nap today. I would rather put him to bed early tonight than interupt his fun outside. He had a few funny moments today in his tiredness.
Mom - Creighton, are you ready to come in and take your nap?
Creighton - No, I'll come in when I get cold.
(It's 85 degrees today....not gonna happen)
Later tonight....
Mom - Creighton, put your shirt on.
Creighton - I don't WANT to wear my shirt.
Mom - Creighton we are going somewhere that you HAVE to wear a shirt.
Creighton - Fine then. You are not coming to my birthday party, you are JUST dropping me off there. (His birthday is in November...)
He is just a little cranky. But, I did manage to get them to sit still for a moment by the landscape pond today for a picture. Nothing is quite in full bloom yet, but it did look pretty today. I attempted to clean it out a little bit and put some of the rocks back that Creighton had thrown in. It will be tacky looking again in a matter of days....Oh well, I tried.
Headed out to go horseback riding with some friends. I'm sure I'll have more pictures to post later!