Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Rare Moment

Had to capture this rare moment with a picture. It is not very often that the kids are this close without throwing a few jabs or derogatory comments at eachother. I found them snuggled up in Colby's bed watching a movie. Very cute.

Not much to report this weekend. A shopping trip for me on Saturday, to church and a movie today and that's it. But that's ok. We enjoyed it anyway. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Crack in my Head"!

Just had to write this down before I forgot....Last night I had Creighton sitting on the bathroom counter brushing his teeth which puts him at about eyelevel with me. He was messing with my hair (he loves to play with hair) and he ran his finger along my part and said "mommy, you got a crack in your head!" It was so funny. Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny...

With today being a dark and dreary day the kids seem to be sleeping in. I have already been up reading for about a 1/2 hour, been on the computer and now I am going to start some laundry. Not bad for only being 7:15am. I think I am just anxiously awaiting my shopping trip :)

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Need for Speed

Today has been a good day. Creighton stayed home sick with Greg today while I went to work. He has gotten over it for the most part but still isn't eating so he stayed home while he is getting some strength back.

I picked up Colby tonight after work and we went to the grocery store. Sounds boring, but when you rarely get a chance to spend one on one time with your kids, even the grocery store is fun.

Now, another reason it has been a good day...I FINALLY was able to get high speed internet. Something that I took for granted until living in the country and not being able to get anything but dial-up. When I got the phone call from the provider that DSL was available in my area I was ecstatic--now I just have to suck it up and pay for it. Expensive because it is considered "long-reach", but finding it to be worth it even after one night! Sometimes when I did picture uploads it took 12 hours with dial-up!

And for the next good thing--tomorrow I get to go shopping by myself! I may just even splurge and buy something for myself. My intention is to get summer stuff for the kids since they have managed to outgrow EVERYTHING from last summer. We'll see how far I get. Thanks to Kenzie for giving up her Saturday afternoon to watch the kids--I appreciate it so much!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A sickie in the house

Now Creighton is sick. His daycare called at noon and said he was puking. It is such a long ride home with a sick kid in the car. Thankfully, he made it home before getting sick again--just in the nick of time though. As soon as I unbuckled him he started in the driveway. Then he slept for 3 hours and woke up puking again. Hopefully, that was the last of it. The washing machine is working overtime and I just want everyone to be HEALTHY!

I am missing Colby's game tonight. I told Greg to take her out for supper afterwards so I don't have to cook and we don't have to eat in front of Creighton. I wish I was there with them...I am getting really tired of Thomas the Train videos and cleaning up nasty messes!
Just for fun--
1. FIRST NAME? heather

2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? don't think so

3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? I think at the movie 8 below, it was very sad, but good movie

4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? when I try to write nicely I can, but it takes effort--a true lefty!

5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? don't really care for any of it too much--I prefer a PB&J

6. KIDS? two - one of each brand


8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? not really--only what I do here

9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? sometimes


11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? husband would prefer I not do anything like that...I tried when we were in the Dells-he said no.


13. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? no--try not to buy shoes with ties



16. SHOE SIZE? 9

17. RED OR PINK? neither


19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Grampa K.--especially last Saturday night when I grilled
and had strawberry shortcake.

20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I like reading these a whole lot more than filling it out! I don't expect anyone else to do it.

21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES YOU ARE WEARING? blue pants, brown shoes

22. LAST THING YOU ATE? handful of MM's from the candy jar at work--nice breakfast,eh?

23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? multiple phone conversations that my co-workers are on.

24. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Magenta--that's Colby's favorite anyway...

25. FAVORITE SMELL? line-dried sheets

26. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? who knows--some lady calling the office to see what time Elvis was going to be at Pearl City Station



29. FAVORITE DRINK? diet pepsi

30. FAVORITE SPORT? to play - volleyball to watch-basketball

31. HAIR COLOR? multiple colors--some brown, red and blond--next week that may be different

32. EYE COLOR? blue

33. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? when I'm not too lazy to put them in--usually just go with the
ugly old glasses.





38. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer

39. HUGS OR KISSES? depends on who from!

40. FAVORITE DESSERT? pineapple upside down cake or apple crisp


42. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? doesn't matter

43. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? The Radical Reformission


45. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? ok-I have to admit it...Sex and the City...I
don't have satellite in my bedroom and it was the only thing on when I couldn't sleep!

46. FAVORITE SOUNDS? my kids voices--most of the time

47. ROLLING STONE OR BEATLES? rolling stones

48. THE FURTHEST YOU BEEN FROM HOME? negril, jamaica


50. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? October 27th Iowa City

51. WHAT CONDITION ARE YOUR HANDS AND FEET IN? very, very dry, but tan!

52. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? no one in particular

Whew, done.....

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Words I Love To Hear....

Creighton is very good at knowing when he has pushed me just a little too far. He is very quick to redeem himself with an "I love you", You're my best friend", a hug and a kiss, etc. He is just an irrisistable little lovebug no matter the circumstance--even if he is trying to avoid trouble!

He was very tired tonight, but suprisingly didn't get crabby. At about 7:45, he had already had his bath and I was drying Colby's hair. He came into the bathroom and yelled over the sound of the dryer "Mommy, will you PLEASE come put me to BED!" He had already been laying in bed, lights out, blankets and animals in place and was waiting for me to tuck him in. Now those are the words I LOVE to hear!!

So thankful that my kids look forward to their beds at the end of a long day just as much as I do. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's HERE!!!

I have never been so excited about getting a book in my life! The ever so resourceful Jody and Pam set up an online book club/discussion blogspot where we all read the current book of choice and then "chat" about it online(in our underwear if we want to, right Pam?! :)) My book finally arrived so I can get started tonight. And I can't wait! The book is The Radical Reformission, by Mark Driscoll and I believe this book is going to evoke some great discussion.

I was negligent in posting an invite on my blog, but if anyone wants to join us the site is Soulates - Strengthening the Core. Check it out.

So this is a great excuse to abandon my physical core and work harder on my inner core which means more than my physical self ever will. OK-so I can't abandon my physical self completely, but who has time for exercise when there are pages to be read!

Monday, April 24, 2006

A New Bike

Colby needed a new and bigger bike. So after her soccer game on Saturday we went bike shopping. I found a really cool one (or so I thought) that was more like a mountain bike style. I thought she would be able to use it for quite awhile as it was a true "big girl" bike.

And, you see here what we ended up with....another pink/purple bike with frilly handlebar thingys and a little purse-like pouch on the front. All the key elements to a perfect bike for a 7 year old girly-girl.

And next year it will be so "not cool". So much for me trying to think ahead. I give up. I can't win :) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A better day

A little boy with a nap, mom gets a little sun, a great church service--this combo has made for a better day today.

The message today was about answered/unanswered prayer. I won't be able to do it justice here, but just as we often have to tell our own children "no" for their own good, our heavenly Father also has to tell us "no". Just as we often tell our children "no" even though we have the means to provide what they ask for, God also tells us "no" even though he has the means to provide. He is wise, He knows best and we just have to trust in that.

There are so many situations that I still don't understand. How can our loving God not answer prayer when parents are praying for Him to heal their young child of a life-threatening disease? Begging for him to take away their child's pain and suffering and allow them to live a full life free of disease. How can He not answer this? Some things I just don't get. I know that I can't see the "big picture", but it would just seem logical to me.

And I guess that is why He is God and I am not.....learning today to be thankful for answered AND unanswered prayer and trusting that every outcome is for the best. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 22, 2006

What a Day

Tonight I felt like I was probably the worst mom on earth. It was a tremendously long day and maybe I am still lacking in energy after being sick. I don't know, but I was a crab tonight. The kids were probably just fine, but I lacked any sort of patience and tolerance today. And to top it off, Greg was working a 16 hour day (6am to 10pm, UGH), so I was on my own. No one to tag team with to get any sort of respite.

Things started out great. Colby's game...out for lunch...home to play. Then my huge mistake started to backfire. I let Creighton skip nap and decided that the kids would just go to bed early. Last time I do that. He was crabby, that made me crabby, he pestered Colby and I found myself yelling WAY too many times tonight.

And of course, they still ended up not getting to bed any earlier than normal. We went outside and played basketball and rode bikes to end the night. But, at least by bedtime everyone had on happy faces--I just pretended.

Tomorrow promises to be a brand new day and I am thankful for that. Hopefully, I can wake up with a rejuvenated spirit and new outlook.
Being goalie is the best! However, I believe her reasoning is that no long distance running is required! And you can just look around at the other fields until you hear your mom yell "Colby, wake up!"  Posted by Picasa

Going for it

Colby leading the pack of hungry wolves!!! Soccer at this age is better known as "magnet ball". They are all magnetically attracted to the ball no matter what their position is. You may even find the goalie at midfield--you just never know!  Posted by Picasa

Very good sportsmanship. All smiles and handshakes even after losing 2-0. Posted by Picasa


Colby had soccer pictures this morning so I positioned myself so that I could get a few shots too without the "real" photographer seeing me! He had the kids facing the bright sun so I am assuming that they will all be squinting in their pictures.

She had a great game this morning. She is sometimes more interested in what's going on at the field next to us or behind us, but nonetheless she had some good kicks and got to play goalie too. That's her favorite position.

Not sure if soccer will be her "thing" or not, but I enjoy seeing her participate. And today I also got to enjoy her standing on her head on the sidelines when it was her turn to sit out :) Oh well, at least she stayed on her feet during the game! Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 21, 2006

Just Hold Me

He is just so sweet and so cute and so everything.

Yesterday when he got up from nap our conversation went something like this:

Mom: Do you want to go downstairs?
Creighton: No.
Mom: Do you want to watch a movie in sissy's room?
Creighton: No.
Mom: Do you want to sit on my bed while I fold laundry?
Creighton: No.
Mom: Creighton, what do you want to do?
Creighton: I just want to hold you, mommy.

And, I just want to hold you too Creighton. I know that these days are numbered and I so cherish every moment that I just get to hold my baby boy. Who is so close to not being my baby boy and not wanting held and not needing his mom for much. I already mourn the day he becomes a "big" boy. It's just too close. Oh, how he melts my heart.....

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My top 10

OK, Jody...Here it is...I don't know if I can compete with your's and Cassie's :)

Top 10 things I am loving lately...
1. Lysol Disinfectant Spray :).
2. Grammas that can take grandkids to soccer and get them supper when mom is down and out.
3. Puppies that entertain kids.
4. Not having to buy diapers when I go to Wal-Mart anymore.
5. My clothesline--loving my line-dried sheets.
6. A blog that encourages me to write down little tidbits of my kids' lives that I would otherwise never do and therefore probably not remember.
7. Dinners by the Dozen
9. That I have a month to go before swim suit season officially begins
10. Snuggling freshly bathed kids before bed. That's what I'm going to do right now :)

Bubble Chasing!

Regardless of how bad I felt today, I just had to go out and take a picture of this. I let Creighton stay home today because I thought he was getting sick. Well, it turns out that he wasn't (so far) and he wanted to go out to play. So he went out and I checked on him from the window. When I saw this I just couldn't resist a picture. He was blowing bubbles and the puppies were having a BLAST chasing them! Creighton was squealing as he watched them take off trying to catch the bubbles that were quickly blowing away. Each time the bubbles were gone, they would run back and wait for him to blow some more. Lizzie even went to get him another wand so he could blow twice as many! It was a cute scene. Wish I was able to enjoy it more, but it's been a rough day. Think I am on the mend now though. YAH! Posted by Picasa
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It has been 24 hours since I have been out of bed (with the exception of being in the bathroom!). I finally just had to get up. I have had a fever, headache, chills, body aches and massive volumes of liquid leaving my body at regular intervals since 3am on Wednesday morning:( I am finally feeling a little better since the fever went away. I can't believe it. I have been sick more in the last six months than I have been in years. Then this morning Creighton would not eat his breakfast (unusual for him) and has complained that he is cold and is just laying on the couch wrapped up in his blanket. I am thinking it may get him too. So far Colby is fine. UGH. I thought flu season was OVER! Hopefully I can find something better to report on later :)!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

more Easter.....

I just had so many pictures from Easter that I wanted to put up. Maddison was actually very cooperative with my picture taking this time. Usually she runs away from me. The kids were inspecting their "goods" after their egg hunt.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter At Gramma's

All the grandkids.....This is a tough picture to get. I had quite a few attempts today and this is the best of the bunch.

Thanks Damon for humoring me with my camera even when you knew it would end up here. And I know there is nothing you love more than getting your picture taken:) You are a great kid and I am so proud of you.

Mackenzie--EVERY picture I have of you today was great. You are very beautiful, inside and out. And so photogenic!

And Maddison you are one special little miracle girl. I am honored to be your aunt. You were so pretty in pink today.

Colby and Creighton--this was the best Easter ever. I can't believe that each new day with you brings me more and more joy. Thanks for being you. There is no greater privilege than being your mom.

Happy Easter and love you all so much!!! Posted by Picasa

Thank you, Easter Bunny!

MMMMM....Cheetos. Thank you Easter Bunny. Cheetos are the BEST!!! Posted by Picasa

Easter Morning

The kids had about 10 minutes this morning to go through their Easter baskets AND eat breakfast before heading out to church. Bubble blowers, kites, frisbees, books, a LITTLE candy (very little), but the highlight was their Cheetos. They could care less about the candy--but give them any kind of chips or crackers and they are on cloud nine. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006

More than the Bunny

Took some time today to dye eggs. It was fun, but when things started to get a little sloppy I got nervous--sure that I would be cleaning up dye for the rest of the day. I had everything draped in bathtowels :) But, they didn't spill any and fun was had. Creighton was pretty serious about his eggs. Although he only colored half of each egg. Colby enjoyed applying the faces to each of the eggs. They actually turned out pretty good.

We talked about the Easter story today in hopes that the kids understand how much more Easter is than the chocolates and the bunny. Thinking about the cross and the empty tomb today and so grateful that my place was taken. I am so undeserving, but so thankful..... Posted by Picasa
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Friday, April 14, 2006

YEAH, It's Done!

Our cubbie cabinet is done--almost (Greg still needs to install the coat hooks in the big sections). Just thought I would take a picture of it before it becomes a disaster because it will never again be this organized! I couldn't find the baskets I wanted for the top and bottom so these will have to do for now. I am so excited to have a place for our coats, shoes, etc. rather than laying in the entry way or stuffed in the closet. I will probably use this for the current season's stuff and keep the out of season stuff packed away. I get so excited about a little storage space because we have NONE! I have wanted one of these for a long time, but the ones for sale just weren't doing it for me. So Greg's dad created this despite my very weak specifications! It will work out just great.

(I know, this is boring stuff, but I can't wait to put it to use :-) Posted by Picasa


Today was Colby's first softball practice. Not t-ball, but actual softball. She was a little hesitant about it, but once she got there she loved it! I am so glad. She is on a soccer team too, but only because I signed her up and take her there--I wanted her to try it a couple of seasons, but I have a feeling she might not continue soccer after this year.

Her coach was great with the kids and Colby is really pretty good at it. She has a great arm and is really catching on to hitting a live pitch. She told me tonight that she wants to play softball every day. I am so glad she is really interested in it. First thing she said after practice was "don't forget to sign me up for softball next year". Posted by Picasa

Just Cute

I just wanted to put up this picture, that's all. He is just squeezable! Posted by Picasa

To The Park

On a bike ride from Gramma's house to the park. Yes, Creighton's bike at Gramma's is a pink hand-me-down from Colby. He doesn't seem to care...yet. Posted by Picasa


When I posted this morning I had not been out and about to actually see for myself what had happened at the neighboring farms. The kids and I ventured out, and I was shocked as to what I saw. Both directions from us there is just destruction everywhere. Outbuildings flattened, trees left untouched were few and far between, fences completely mangled into balls of metal, horses were killed, a human life was lost, just down the road the top half of an elderly woman's house was just lifted off and destroyed--she was successfully rescued. Neighbors are out in full force helping one another. The tornado traveled from one end of our road to the other and for some reason it touched down on both sides of us and lifted as it traveled around our house leaving everything intact. I am just in disbelief. All the while I was painting by the light of a camping lantern oblivious to the danger that we were in. So thankful for the divine protection we received last night. Loss of power for 6 hours and a few sticks and pieces of garbage to pick up--I have never been so thankful....


We are ok. Survived a tornado with no damage to our place. This house has been standing here since 1861--I don't think it is going anywhere. Our buildings are still all intact. We were very lucky. Our power was out for about 6 hours or so--minor in comparison to other areas around us. A neighbor about 2 miles down the road was killed when their home toppled. Several of our neighbors less than a mile away lost their outbuildings. Just down the road about 4 houses or so, neighbor's horses were killed. A lot of trees are down. That was the stuff that Greg knew about this morning before he went to work. I have not been out in the neighborhood at all. I think we'll just stay put this morning--the sky looks pretty ominous again. Counting my blessings this morning....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Crazy Days

It's been a hectic couple of days for me. I really don't even have much to say today, but I didn't want anyone thinking I had abandoned my blog :) Yesterday, Greg picked up the kids from daycare and took them home to play outside. I had a girls night out--dinner with some friends. (It was a good time and fun to visit, but the dinner haunted me all night--it was torturous!) My day started very early after being up most of the night tending to my stomach issues. And of course, I am putting in a 12 hour day at work today--meetings until about 8pm tonight. Greg has a meeting tonight too so the kids are getting shuffled around. They are used to it and don't mind too much as long as one of us is home to get them to bed. So nothing too exciting here, just busy. Friday is not a holiday for me, but I took it off as a vacation day. Can't wait to just spend the day with the kids. Unfortunately the nice weather is not supposed to hang on until Friday. We'll hope the weatherman is wrong!

Monday, April 10, 2006

More of the good!

Tonight existed of more of the same stuff. A bike ride on the trail, out for dinner, more bike riding at home, playing with turtles and puppies, popcorn for snack and head to bed. It was a great night. All of us home together (a rarity it seems) and so fun, no arguing between the kids, no one was crabby. Just a great night. I only wish it could have lasted longer!

The nice weather and longer daylight hours make it so hard to make the kids come in and get ready for bed. But, they dutifully obliged tonight. I think they were just plain worn out. There is good sleep to be had tonight!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


About two summers ago we took Colby's training wheels off of her bike. I tried to teach her to ride, and after she fell down a couple of times she decided that bike riding wasn't so fun. So every once in awhile I would talk her into trying again. Same results, a couple of falls and she was done.

Today I went to town and when I got back, she said "watch this mom." She hopped on her bike took off and looked like she had been doing it forever. I was so proud of her and she was so proud of herself.

I asked Greg how he taught her and he said that he had nothing to do with it. She just got on it and took off. I guess that says a lot for my teaching skills. She probably would have been better off all along without me coaching her!

WAY TO GO COLBY!!! Love you kiddo! Posted by Picasa


For the most part, bed time is a very relaxing, fun, and loving time with my kids. We read, talk, pray and then tell eachother how much we love one another.

Tonight while I was reading to Creighton I had to tell him to quit picking his nose. We finished stories and went through the rest of the routine. I was walking out the door telling him one last time how much I love him and to sleep tight, etc, etc... And he said, "when you leave, I'm going to pick my nose again."

So much for "I love you". All I got was a reminder that he was going to pick his nose when I finally got out of his room. Oh well, he is definately all boy. I just couldn't love him more! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Colby gazing dreamily at the fire, nibbling on her perfectly roasted marshmellows. She loves nothing more than sitting by a fire with a stick and a bag of marshmellows. It was such a good night for it. Posted by Picasa

Roasting 'Mellows

Tonight was the perfect night for a campfire. Warm fire, the whole family, and gooey marshmellows. A perfect end to a great day. Thankful for another day with my babies. Posted by Picasa